What Is Email Sequence? Best Practices and Examples

What Is Email Sequence

Email sequences are like a friendly conversation with your potential customers. Imagine you’re at a party, trying to make a new friend. You wouldn’t just say “Hi” once and walk away, right? You’d keep chatting, finding common interests, and building a connection. That’s exactly what email sequences do for your business.

In this digital world, where inboxes are flooded daily, a single email often gets lost in the crowd. But here’s the thing: 80% of sales don’t happen after just one contact. In fact, it usually takes five or more follow-ups to seal the deal. 

That’s why smart businesses use email sequences – a series of well-timed messages that keep you on your prospect’s radar without being pushy. It’s like leaving breadcrumbs that lead customers right to your doorstep. In this guide, we’ll explore how these email sequences work and how they can help your business grow, one well-timed message at a time.

What is Email Sequence?

An email sequence is a series of emails sent automatically based on how your subscribers interact with your messages or on a set schedule. Think of it as a series of carefully timed messages designed to guide your audience through a journey with your business.

Instead of sending one-off emails, email sequences automate the process of nurturing leads, welcoming new customers, and reminding people about renewals. This approach helps you stay engaged with your audience without having to manually send each email.

Setting up these sequences does require some planning and understanding of your customers’ behaviors, but the effort is well worth it. No matter the size of your business or email list, email sequences can help you build stronger connections and drive more results. In the following sections,

 We’ll show you how implementing email sequences can really make a difference.

Is There a Difference Between Email Sequence and Drip Sequence?

At first glance, email sequences and drip campaigns might seem like the same thing, but there are some key differences. Both are automated series of emails, but they have distinct purposes and approaches.

Email Sequence: As you’ve already learned, an email sequence is a series of emails sent based on a specific trigger or behavior, like when someone signs up for your newsletter or abandons their shopping cart. These emails are tailored to the individual’s actions and are designed to guide them through a personalized journey with your brand. The timing and content of each email depend on the subscriber’s interaction with previous emails or specific events.

Drip sequence: On the other hand, a drip campaign is more of a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. It involves sending out a series of pre-written emails on a fixed schedule, regardless of how the recipient interacts with them. Drip campaigns are great for delivering consistent information over time, like educational content or onboarding guides.

How to Use Email Sequences Effectively

Now that we understand the difference, let’s explore how you can put them (email sequence) to work for your business. Email sequences are incredibly versatile tools that can help you connect with your audience at various stages of their journey. 

Here are some ways to use them:

  1. Welcome New Subscribers: Make a great first impression and set expectations for new members of your email list.
  2. Nurture Cold Leads: Warm up potential customers who’ve shown interest but aren’t quite ready to buy.
  3. Recover Abandoned Carts: Gently remind shoppers about items they left behind, potentially turning lost sales into revenue.
  4. Onboard New Users: Help customers get the most out of your product or service with step-by-step guidance.
  5. Promote Upcoming Events: Build excitement and boost attendance for your next big event.
  6. Re-engage Inactive Subscribers: Rekindle interest from folks who haven’t opened your emails in a while.
  7. Cross-sell and Upsell: Suggest complementary products or upgrades to existing customers.
  8. Send Renewal Reminders: Keep your subscription-based business healthy by prompting timely renewals.

The beauty of email sequences lies in their automation. Once you set them up, they work tirelessly in the background, nurturing leads and engaging customers without constant manual effort from you.

What Triggers Email Sequences?

For your email sequences to work their magic, they need to know when to spring into action. That’s where triggers come in. They tell your system, “It’s time to send this email now!”

There are two main types of triggers:

  1. Time-Based Triggers: These are like clockwork. You set a schedule, and the emails go out accordingly. For example:
    • Send the welcome email immediately after someone subscribes
    • Follow up with a helpful tip 2 days later
    • Check in with a special offer after 1 week
  2. Action-Based Triggers: These are more dynamic, responding to how your subscribers interact with your emails or website. For instance:
    • If someone doesn’t open your first email, it sends a follow-up with a different subject line
    • When a subscriber clicks a specific link, send them more information about that topic
    • If a customer adds items to their cart but doesn’t complete the purchase, remind them about their forgotten items

By combining these trigger types, you can create sophisticated sequences that feel personal and timely to each recipient. The key is to map out your customer journey and identify the crucial moments where an email from you could make all the difference.

Advantages of using Email Sequence

Still having doubts about using email sequences? Read these advantages this will insure how it can benefit your business :

Automated Engagement: Once you’ve set up your email sequences, they’ll automatically reach out to your audience based on their actions or a schedule you choose. This means you’re always in touch with your prospects and customers, even when you’re not actively managing it. It’s like having a 24/7 assistant that keeps your communication flowing effortlessly.

Personalization: Email sequences let you send messages that really connect with each person. For example, if someone just signed up, you can send them a warm welcome. If they bought something, follow up with a thank you and maybe a related recommendation. Tailoring your emails like this makes them more relevant and engaging, which people appreciate.

Increased Conversions: Guiding potential customers through a series of well-timed emails helps nudge them toward making a purchase. Each email can provide just the right information or incentive at the right time, making it easier for them to say “yes” to your offer. It’s a gentle, effective way to boost your sales.

Improved Customer Retention: Keeping your existing customers engaged is just as important as finding new ones. With email sequences, you can stay in touch with regular updates, special offers, or helpful tips. This ongoing interaction helps build loyalty and encourages repeat business, so your customers keep coming back.

Efficiency: Setting up email sequences takes a bit of work upfront, but once they’re running, they save you a ton of time. You don’t have to manually send out emails every day—everything happens automatically. This frees you up to focus on other important tasks while your emails keep working in the background.

Data-Driven Insights: One of the great things about automated email sequences is the data they provide. Some tools or software show how your sequence performs .You can see which emails are being opened, which links are being clicked, and where your conversions are happening. This info is gold when it comes to understanding your audience better and fine-tuning your strategy.

Educational Opportunities: Email sequences aren’t just about selling—they’re also a great way to educate your audience. You can use them to explain how your products work, share tips, or provide valuable insights that help your customers get the most out of what you offer. The more informed your customers are, the happier they’ll be.

Re-engagement: Sometimes people lose touch with your brand, and that’s okay. A re-engagement email sequence is a way to reach out and reconnect. Whether it’s through a special offer or just a friendly check-in, these emails can help you bring inactive customers back into the fold.


Types of Email Sequences with Their Examples

1. Welcome Sequence

What It Is: A series of emails sent to new subscribers or customers to introduce them to your brand and provide initial value.

 Source: reallygoodemails

Key Considerations:

  • Personalization: Use the recipient’s name and tailor the content to their interests or actions.
  • Clarity: Clearly communicate what they can expect from your emails.
  • Value: Offer immediate value, such as a discount or a free resource.
  • Engagement: Encourage engagement with your brand by including links to your website or social media.

2. Follow-Up Sequence

What It Is: A series of emails sent after a specific interaction, such as a purchase or event, to maintain engagement and provide additional value.

Source: reallygoodemails

Key Considerations:

  • Timeliness: Send follow-ups soon after the initial interaction.
  • Relevance: Provide content that’s relevant to their recent activity.
  • Action-Oriented: Encourage further action, such as providing feedback or exploring more features.

3. Onboarding Sequence

What It Is: A sequence designed to guide new users or customers through the initial steps of using a product or service.

Source: Lucidchart

Key Considerations:

  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Break down instructions into manageable steps.
  • Clarity and Simplicity: Use simple language and clear instructions.
  • Encouragement: Motivate users to complete each step with positive reinforcement.


4. Lead Nurturing Sequence

What It Is: A sequence aimed at nurturing potential leads through valuable content and engagement to move them closer to making a purchase.

Source: reallygoodemails

Key Considerations:

  • Value-Driven Content: Provide content that addresses their pain points or interests.
  • Gradual Engagement: Build a relationship over time with educational and promotional content.
  • Call to Action: Encourage a specific action, such as scheduling a demo or signing up for a trial.


5. Abandoned Cart Sequence

What It Is: A sequence sent to customers who have added items to their cart but haven’t completed the purchase, encouraging them to finalize the transaction.

Source: reallygoodemails

Key Considerations:

  • Timing: Send reminders soon after the cart is abandoned.
  • Incentives: Include special offers or discounts to encourage completion.
  • Clear Instructions: Provide easy steps to return to their cart and complete the purchase.

6. Post-Purchase Sequence

What It Is: A sequence sent after a customer makes a purchase, aimed at enhancing their experience and encouraging further engagement.

Source: reallygoodemails

Key Considerations:

  • Thankfulness: Express gratitude for their purchase.
  • Value Addition: Provide useful information about the product or service.
  • Cross-Selling: Suggest related products or services.


7. Re-engagement Sequence

What It Is: A sequence aimed at re-engaging inactive subscribers or customers to rekindle their interest.

Source: reallygoodemails

Key Considerations:

  • Personalization: Tailor messages based on past behavior.
  • Incentives: Offer special deals or content to entice them back.
  • Clarity: Clearly communicate why re-engagement is beneficial.

8. Product Launch Sequence

What It Is: A sequence designed to build excitement and drive interest around a new product or service launch.

Source: reallygoodemails

Key Considerations:

  • Excitement: Build anticipation and excitement for the launch.
  • Details: Provide clear information about the product and its benefits.
  • Call to Action: Include strong calls to action to encourage early adoption.

9. Educational Sequence

What It Is: A sequence focused on providing valuable educational content to the audience, helping them learn more about a topic related to your product or industry.

Source: reallygoodemails

Key Considerations:

  • Value: Ensure the content is genuinely helpful and informative.
  • Engagement: Encourage interaction and further learning.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent tone and format across the sequence.

These sequences are designed to guide you in creating effective email campaigns for different scenarios, helping you engage your audience and achieve your marketing goals.

7 Essential Tips for Crafting Effective Email Sequences

Creating an email sequence that drives results doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some straightforward tips to help you get it right:

1. Clarify Your Objective

Before you start writing, take a moment to figure out exactly what you want your emails to achieve. Are you trying to sell a product, welcome new users, or bring back inactive customers? Once you know your objective, it becomes much easier to tailor your messages to meet that goal.

For instance:

  • Selling: Highlight product features and offer special deals.
  • Onboarding: Provide step-by-step guidance on using your service.
  • Re-engagement: Send content that reminds them why they signed up in the first place.

Knowing your end goal gives your email sequence a clear direction.

2. Strategize Your Timing and Triggers

Timing is everything in email marketing. Decide when each email should go out and what action will trigger it. For example, an email in a welcome sequence might be triggered as soon as someone signs up, while a re-engagement email might be sent after a subscriber hasn’t opened your emails in a while.

The number of emails you send and the interval between them should be carefully considered to keep your audience engaged without overwhelming them.

3. Maintain Consistent Timing

Consistency in your sending schedule builds trust with your subscribers. If they know to expect an email from you every Tuesday at 10 AM, they’re more likely to look out for it.

However, be careful not to bombard your audience. Regular but spaced-out emails keep your brand top of mind without being intrusive.

4. Personalize for Impact

People love feeling like an email was written just for them. Use merge tags to add personal touches, like addressing your subscriber by name or referencing their recent activity with your brand.

Going a step further, you can segment your audience based on their behavior and interests, ensuring each email feels relevant and valuable. When your emails resonate on a personal level, they’re more likely to drive action.

5. Craft Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

Your subject line is the first thing your audience sees, so it needs to stand out. Think of it as a headline—keep it short, interesting, and relevant.

Experiment with different approaches: ask a question, make a bold statement, or create a sense of urgency. The goal is to make the reader curious enough to open your email.

6. Select the Right Tools

The effectiveness of your email sequence often depends on the tools you use. Choose an email platform that offers automation, personalization, and detailed analytics. The right software will help you send the right message to the right person at the right time, making your campaigns more effective.

7. Include Clear and Compelling CTAs

Every email should have a purpose, and your call-to-action (CTA) is where you make that clear. Whether you want your reader to sign up, buy something, or simply learn more, your CTA should be direct and easy to follow.

Use action-oriented language, make your CTA visually distinct, and ensure it aligns with the overall message of your email. A well-placed, clear CTA can significantly boost the effectiveness of your email sequence.


Here how you can use SalesTown CRM for Sending email sequences to your leads.


SalesTown CRM allows you to send automated email sequences based on the pipestage notifications. When your lead moves from one stage to another within your sales pipeline, you can trigger an email to be sent automatically. This is especially useful for sending transactional emails, such as order confirmations, appointment reminders, or status updates, ensuring that your leads stay informed at every stage of the process.


Creating Email Sequences Based on Pipestages

  1. Identify the Triggering Stage: Determine which pipestages should initiate an email sequence. For example, you might want to send a welcome email when a lead enters the “Lead” stage or a follow-up email when they move to the “Opportunity” stage.
  2. Set Up Email Templates: Create email templates with the desired content for each sequence. You can personalize these templates using placeholders for lead information like name, company, or email address.
  3. Configure Notifications:
    • Go to the “Pipestage Change Notification” settings.
    • Select the relevant pipestages.
    • Choose the email template you’ve created for that stage.
    • Set the timing for the email to be sent (e.g., immediately or after 1 hour or a day etc).
  4. Multi-channel Outreach: 

Besides email, you can also set up SMS and WhatsApp notifications for a more comprehensive outreach strategy.

Remember, this feature is primarily for sending transactional emails related to the lead’s progress in your sales pipeline. 

For Promotional Emails: If you wish to send promotional emails, such as newsletters, special offers, or marketing campaigns, you’ll need to use SalesTown’s dedicated email marketing platform. This platform is designed specifically for creating and sending promotional content, allowing you to reach a broader audience with tailored marketing messages.

The Email Marketing platform provides additional features like:

  • Managing all your contacts and segmenting them into lists
  • Creating and scheduling email campaigns
  • Tracking email performance with metrics like open rates and click rates
  • A Brand Library for storing your marketing assets

By combining the Pipestage Notifications for transactional emails and the Email Marketing platform for promotional campaigns, you can create comprehensive email sequences that guide your leads through the entire sales journey.


Start sending automated emails 

So, there you have it! Email sequences are a great way to keep in touch with your customers without spending all day writing emails. They help you sell more, keep customers engaging, and grow your business.

If you’re looking to send emails that go out when your leads move through your sales process, SalesTown is a great choice. It lets you set up emails that send automatically when leads reach different stages.

And hey, if you want to send out promotional or bulk emails like newsletters or special offers to lots of people at once, SalesTown’s got you covered there too. We  have a dedicated email marketing platform just for that.

Want to give it a try? Click here to learn more about SalesTown and start sending smarter emails now!


Simran Shaw is a content writer at SalesTown CRM, specializing in creating engaging blogs, marketing content, and SEO strategies. With over 02 years of experience in the CRM industry, Simran helps businesses understand and use CRM software effectively. She is skilled in writing for various platforms, including social media, and focuses on enhancing online visibility and connecting with audiences.

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