Lead Management

Powerful Activity & Reminder Management
for Busy Sales Teams!

SalesTown CRM's activity management keeps your busy sales team on top of their game. Schedule calls, emails, and tasks, set reminders that work for you (pop-ups, emails, texts!), and prioritize your workload.

activity and reminder

What is ​ Activity & Reminder Management?

Activity & Reminder Management helps busy sales teams stay organized and on track with their daily tasks, appointments, and customer follow-ups. It includes tools for scheduling meetings, setting reminders for important actions like calls or emails, and tracking progress on tasks. This ensures that sales reps can efficiently manage their time, prioritize activities, and never miss a crucial opportunity to engage with prospects or support existing customers.

Key Features of Activity and Reminder Management

Activity Management

  • Task Tracking: Salestown CRM allows users to create, assign, and track tasks related to sales activities, customer follow-ups, and other important actions.
  • Appointment Scheduling: Users can schedule appointments directly within the CRM, syncing with their Google calendar to avoid scheduling conflicts and ensuring punctuality.
  • Call Logs: Track all calls made to prospects and customers, recording details such as call duration, outcome, and follow-up actions.
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  • Set Reminders: Get notified about upcoming activities so you never miss a beat. Choose from pop-up reminders, email alerts, or SMS  notifications on your mobile device.
  • Email Reminders: Receive reminders for important emails, ensuring prompt responses and effective communication management.

Stop Wasting Time

Salestown CRM simplifies activity and reminder management by providing tools to track tasks, schedule appointments, and set customized reminders.