11 Best Real Estate Marketing Strategies for 2024

11 best real estate marketing strategies

The housing market continues to be a rollercoaster ride! Today’s home buyers aren’t just looking for a place to live – they’re searching for an experience, a lifestyle, a story. They’re scrolling through social media, watching video tours, and expecting instant responses to their queries. The modern house hunter is tech-savvy, well-informed, and always on the move.

But now having a website or listing your properties online is no longer enough to catch their eye. It Is Important but It’s the bare minimum, like showing up to a gourmet dinner party with a bag of chips. In this digital age, standing out means going above and beyond.

This shift in perspective means your real estate marketing strategies need to evolve just as quickly as your clients’ expectations. It’s not just about selling a house anymore; it’s about crafting an irresistible narrative, providing value at every touchpoint, and creating a seamless journey from that first click to the final signature. This blog dives deep into 11 tested real estate marketing strategies specifically tailored for 2024. 

11 Effective Real Estate Marketing Ideas and Strategies:

Digital Marketing Strategies (online)

1. Hyper-Local SEO Domination:

Let’s talk about hyper-local SEO and why it’s a game-changer for real estate agents:

Hyper-local SEO is all about showing up in search results when people look for very specific locations. It’s not just about ranking for “homes for sale in [city]” anymore. Now, you want to be the top result when someone searches for it.

Why does this matter? Because today’s buyers often have a clear idea of exactly where they want to live. They’re not just looking for a city – they’re looking for a specific street or school district. By focusing on hyper-local SEO, you can connect with these highly motivated buyers who are ready to make a move.

Here’s how you can make hyper-local SEO work for you:

  1. Use super-specific keywords in your content. Instead of just “homes in [city],” try “craftsman bungalows in the Riverside area” or “luxury apartments near Downtown Business District.”
  2. Create separate pages or blog posts for each neighborhood you serve. Write about local attractions, schools, and what makes each area unique.
  3. Get involved in community events and mention them on your website. This shows you’re a local expert and helps with SEO.
  4. Encourage and respond to reviews that mention specific neighborhoods.
  5. Use local landmarks in your property descriptions when relevant.

Here’s a tip you can use right now: Go to Google’s Keyword Planner (it’s free!) and type in some neighborhood names in your area. See what specific phrases people are searching for. You might be surprised by what you find, and you can use these insights to refine your website content.

2. Compelling Social Media Content Creation:

In 2024, social media isn’t just a nice-to-have – it’s a must-have for real estate marketing. It’s where your potential clients are spending their time, scrolling through their feeds, and dreaming about their next home. But here’s the thing: just being on social media isn’t enough. You need to create content that stops the scroll and gets people interested in what you have to offer.

So, what kind of content works best? Here are some ideas that can really make an impact:

  1. Property videos: Give virtual tours that make people feel like they’re walking through the home.
  2. Market updates: Share quick, easy-to-understand information about local real estate trends.
  3. Local community stories: Highlight what makes your area special – the best coffee shops, parks, or events.
  4. Client success stories: Share (with permission) how you helped someone find their dream home.
  5. Behind-the-scenes glimpses: Show what a day in the life of a real estate agent looks like.
  6. Quick tips: Offer advice on home buying, selling, or maintenance.
  7. Live Q&A sessions: Connect directly with your audience and answer their questions in real-time.

Remember, it’s not just about what you post, but also when and how often. Each platform has its own “sweet spot” for posting frequency.

Here’s an actionable tip you can use today: Start paying attention to your social media analytics. Most platforms offer free insights that show you which posts are getting the most engagement. Look at what’s working well and do more of that. Are your followers loving your video tours? Make more of them. Do your market update posts get a lot of comments? Keep them coming.

Read Also: How To Manage Social Media Leads

3. Strategic Influencer Collaborations:

Influencer marketing isn’t just for fashion brands or tech gadgets anymore. It’s becoming a powerful tool in real estate too. Essentially, it’s about partnering with people who have a strong online following to help spread the word about your properties and services.

But here’s the key: in real estate, you’re not looking for celebrities with millions of followers. You want local influencers who know your area and have the trust of the community. Think local bloggers, community leaders, or even well-connected residents with active social media profiles.

Why does this work? Because people trust recommendations from people they know or admire. When a local influencer talks about a neighborhood or shares a property listing, their followers pay attention.

Here’s how to make influencer collaborations work for you:

  1. Look for influencers who align with your brand. If you specialize in luxury homes, partner with influencers who focus on high-end lifestyle content.
  2. Consider micro-influencers. They might have smaller followings, but their audiences are often more engaged and local.
  3. Offer value to the influencer. Maybe they can be the first to tour a new listing, or you can provide them with exclusive market insights.
  4. Be clear about expectations. Decide together what kind of content they’ll create and how they’ll share it.
  5. Track the results. Use unique links or codes to see how much traffic or interest the collaboration generates.

Here’s a tip you can use right now: Start researching local influencers in your area. Look up hashtags related to your city or neighborhood on Instagram or TikTok. See who’s creating popular content about local life, home decor, or community events. These could be potential collaborators.

4. Showcase Lifestyle with Video Marketing:

Video has become a powerhouse in real estate marketing, and for good reason. It’s not just about showing a property anymore – it’s about telling a story that potential buyers can see themselves in.

Think about it: when someone’s looking for a new home, they’re not just buying four walls and a roof. They’re buying a lifestyle, a community, a future. Video lets you showcase all of that in a way that photos and text simply can’t match.

Here’s why video marketing is so effective and how you can use it:

  1. Attention-grabbing: In a world of endless scrolling, a well-made video can stop people in their tracks.
  2. Emotional connection: Videos can evoke feelings and help viewers imagine themselves living in the home.
  3. Showcase the neighborhood: Take viewers on a tour of local hotspots, parks, and community events.
  4. Highlight unique features: Use video to spotlight special aspects of a property that might be missed in photos.
  5. Establish your expertise: Create market update videos or home buying tip series to position yourself as a knowledgeable agent.
  6. Increase engagement: Videos tend to get more shares and comments on social media than other types of posts.

To make the most of video marketing:

  • Create ‘day in the life’ videos showing what it’s like to live in a particular neighborhood.
  • Use drone footage to showcase the property’s surroundings and location.
  • Make seasonal videos highlighting how the area changes throughout the year.
  • Interview local business owners or residents to give insight into the community.

Here’s an actionable tip: If you’re serious about video marketing, consider investing in some good equipment. A high-quality camera, a stabilizer for smooth shots, and a decent microphone can make a world of difference. If you’re not comfortable behind the camera, hiring a professional videographer for a day can give you a library of content to use across your marketing.

5. Email Marketing Campaigns for Real Estate:

Email marketing might seem old school in the age of social media, but it’s still one of the most powerful tools in a realtor’s arsenal. Why? Because it’s personal, and direct, and allows you to nurture relationships over time. Plus, you own your email list – unlike social media followers that can disappear with algorithm changes.

Why does email marketing work so well? Because it keeps you top-of-mind with potential clients, even if they’re not ready to buy or sell right now. It’s a way to provide value, showcase your expertise, and build trust over time.

Here’s how to make email marketing campaigns work for you:

  1. Build your list organically. Offer valuable content in exchange for email addresses on your website.
  2. Segment your list. Separate buyers, sellers, investors, and past clients.
  3. Create a welcome series for new subscribers to introduce yourself and your services.
  4. Send regular market updates to position yourself as a local expert.
  5. Use automation to send personalized emails based on subscriber behavior.
  6. Share success stories and testimonials to build credibility.
  7. Provide valuable tips for buyers and sellers to keep engagement high.

Here’s a tip you can use right now: Create a lead magnet. This could be a PDF guide on “10 Things to Know Before Buying a Home in [Your Area]” or a video series on preparing a home for sale. Offer this for free in exchange for email addresses.

Effective ways to build and nurture email lists:

  1. Use pop-ups on your website to capture email addresses
  2. Offer exclusive content or early access to listings for subscribers
  3. Run social media contests that require email sign-up
  4. Collect emails at open houses or community events
  5. Partner with local businesses for cross-promotions

Strategies for creating personalized email campaigns:

  1. Use the recipient’s name in the subject line and email body
  2. Send property recommendations based on previous searches
  3. Create drip campaigns tailored to where leads are in their buying/selling journey
  4. Send anniversary emails to past clients to maintain long-term relationships

By implementing these strategies, you can create email campaigns that not only reach your audience but resonate with them, turning leads into clients and clients into long-term advocates for your business.

6. Run Paid Advertising (PPC)

Paid advertising, also known as PPC (Pay-Per-Click), is a way to promote your real estate listings online by paying each time someone clicks on your ad. It’s a popular method used on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads to reach potential buyers and sellers effectively.

Overview of Pay-Per-Click Advertising Options:

Google Ads and Facebook Ads are two major platforms for PPC advertising in real estate:

  1. Google Ads: Allows you to display ads in Google search results and on partner websites (Google Display Network). You can target specific keywords related to real estate, such as “homes for sale in [city]” or “real estate agents near me.”
  2. Facebook Ads: Offers targeted advertising based on user demographics, interests, and behaviors. You can create ads that appear in users’ news feeds or on the sidebar, targeting potential buyers or sellers based on their location, age, interests, and more.

Benefits of Using PPC Advertising Platforms:

PPC advertising platforms like Google Ads and social media ads provide targeted visibility and measurable results:

  1. Highly Specific Targeting: These platforms allow you to target ads to very specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. For instance, you can target potential homebuyers based on location, income level, interests in real estate, and even recent online behaviors related to property searches.
  2. Increased Reach and Visibility: PPC ads appear prominently in search engine results (Google Ads) or in users’ social media feeds (Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads). This increases visibility for your real estate listings and services among a relevant audience actively looking for properties or real estate information.
  3. Measurable Results: Unlike traditional advertising methods, PPC campaigns provide detailed analytics and performance metrics. You can track clicks, impressions, conversions, and ROI in real-time, allowing you to refine your campaigns for better effectiveness.

Actionable Tip: Utilize Audience Targeting and Experiment with Different Ad Formats:

  1. Audience Targeting: Take advantage of the audience targeting features available on Google Ads and social media platforms. Define your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors relevant to real estate.
  2. Experiment with Ad Formats: Test different ad formats such as display ads, video ads, or carousel ads to see which ones resonate best with your audience. For example, use video ads to showcase property tours or neighborhood highlights, or use display ads to promote special offers or open houses.

By leveraging the precise targeting capabilities of PPC advertising platforms and experimenting with different ad formats, real estate professionals can enhance visibility, attract qualified leads, and achieve measurable results in their marketing campaigns.

Read Also: How To Manage Google Ads Leads

Offline marketing strategies for real estate businesses

1. Networking Events and Open Houses:

Hosting or attending local networking events, community gatherings, and open houses allows you to meet potential clients face-to-face. These interactions build trust and provide opportunities to showcase your expertise and listings.

Here’s how to make the most of these events:

  1. Community events: Participate in local festivals, charity events, or school functions. Set up a booth or simply mingle and introduce yourself as a local real estate expert.
  2. Professional networking: Join local business groups, chambers of commerce, or real estate associations. Attend their meetings regularly to build relationships with other professionals who might refer clients to you.
  3. Host informational sessions: Organize seminars on topics like “First-Time Home Buying” or “Investment Property Strategies” at local libraries or community centers.
  4. Open houses: Use these not just to showcase a property, but as an opportunity to meet potential buyers and sellers in the neighborhood.
  5. Partner with local businesses: Co-host events with mortgage brokers, interior designers, or home improvement stores to provide value to attendees and expand your network.
  6. Follow-up strategy: Have a system in place to follow up with people you meet at these events. Send personalized emails or handwritten notes to keep the connection warm.

2. Print Advertising:

While digital marketing is crucial, print advertising still holds significant value in real estate, especially for reaching certain demographics and local audiences. Utilizing local newspapers, real estate magazines, and direct mail campaigns can help you connect with homeowners and buyers who prefer traditional media.

Here’s how to make the most of print advertising:

  • Local Newspapers:
      • Place ads in the real estate section of your local newspaper.
      • Consider writing a regular column offering real estate advice or market updates.
      • Feature your top listings with high-quality photos and compelling descriptions.
  • Real Estate Magazines:
    • Advertise in glossy real estate magazines that are often found in local businesses.
    • Focus on showcasing your luxury or unique properties in these publications.
    • Include your photo and a brief bio to build personal brand recognition.

When designing your print ads:

  • Use high-quality images and professional design.
  • Include a clear call-to-action (CTA).
  • Highlight what makes you unique as an agent or what’s special about the featured property.
  • Ensure your contact information is easy to find and read.

3. Take advantages of Billboards:

Signs and billboards are key offline marketing tools for real estate. Placed near properties or in high-traffic areas, they attract local buyers passing by. Clear and appealing designs with property details and contact info catch attention quickly, encouraging inquiries and property visits. They also boost brand recognition and credibility in the community. Strategic placement and well-maintained signage ensure maximum visibility and effectiveness in attracting motivated buyers actively seeking properties.

4. Local Sponsorships and Partnerships:

Partnering with local organizations and sponsoring community events can significantly enhance your visibility and credibility as a real estate professional. By sponsoring events such as charity drives, local sports teams, or neighborhood festivals, you can strengthen your brand presence and demonstrate your commitment to the community. These sponsorships create opportunities for networking, building relationships, and generating referrals from community members who recognize your support. Additionally, they help position you as a trusted local expert, which can lead to increased leads and business opportunities in your target market.

5. Referral Programs Leverage Your Network

Don’t miss out on the power of word-of-mouth marketing! Establish referral partnerships with local businesses, contractors, and professionals who serve your target audience. Offer attractive incentives, like commission splits or gift certificates, for referrals that convert into clients. This fosters collaboration, expands your reach, and leverages the trust potential clients already have in these established businesses.

Transform Your Real Estate marketing efforts with Real Estate CRM

When managing multiple channels that generate both offline and online leads, handling a high volume of incoming leads efficiently is crucial. Instead of scaling up your workforce, streamline your sales processes with Salestown CRM.

Discover How Salestown CRM Can Automate Your Real Estate Operations

  • Integrate leads from websites, social media, and real estate portals into one platform.
  • Automate lead distribution, follow-ups, and reminders.
  • Track leads through the sales pipeline for visibility.
  • Customize workflows for different lead types (buyers, sellers, investors).
  • Schedule and manage appointments efficiently.
  • Execute personalized email campaigns within Salestown CRM.
  • Generate detailed reports on lead sources, conversions, and team performance.

Adopting Salestown CRM as your sales automation tool empowers your real estate team to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and achieve better outcomes. Book a 👉 Free Demo today to explore how Salestown CRM can revolutionize your real estate business. 

Happy selling!🏠🔑

Simran Shaw is a content writer at SalesTown CRM, specializing in creating engaging blogs, marketing content, and SEO strategies. With over 02 years of experience in the CRM industry, Simran helps businesses understand and use CRM software effectively. She is skilled in writing for various platforms, including social media, and focuses on enhancing online visibility and connecting with audiences.

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