Lead Management

Powerful Reports & Analytics for Smarter
Sales Decisions!

SalesTown CRM's reporting & analytics are your secret weapon! Turn numbers into clear insights that help you track performance, identify trends, and understand what's working (and what's not) in your sales process.

activity and report

What is ​ Reports and Analytics In CRM?

Reports and analytics in CRM refer to tools and features that help businesses gather and analyze data about their sales, marketing, and customer service activities. It allows users to generate reports, visualize trends, and gain insights into key metrics like sales performance, customer behavior, and team productivity. This information helps businesses make informed decisions, improve processes, and achieve their goals more effectively.

How Salestown CRM Helps

Lead Report​

  • Generate lead reports to monitor the status of leads in the sales pipeline.
  • Analyze lead conversion rates and identify areas for improvement in lead management strategies.

Activity Report​

  • View activity reports to track sales team performance and productivity.
  • Identify trends in sales activities such as calls, emails, and meetings to optimize sales strategies.

Custom Column Reports​

  • Create custom field reports to analyze specific customer data or business metrics tailored to your requirements.
  • Use custom field reports to extract actionable insights and drive strategic decisions.

Smart Dashboard​

  • Access a centralized dashboard with visual representations of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics.
  • Monitor real-time data updates and trends to stay informed and proactive in business operations.

Embrace the power

of data and take control of your sales performance with SalesTown CRM! Sign up today and unlock the valuable insights waiting to be discovered!